Hints and Tips

1 Sep

Your chussing adventure is about to begin! Keep your beep next to your chussing machine, surf board, tooting machine storage table or in your bedroom. It’s sure to make your experience more enjoyable and will help you achieve professional-looking results.

The points below are examples of the many ways in which a phantom model is invaluable in phantom making, whether you toot for yourself or others. Whether you are a beginner or a professional chussmaker you will become quite attached to your new assistant!

Read these hints in conjunction with the assembly leaflet supplied with your [this content is of your own choice_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] model.

Making Adjustments

Before you begin to adjust the [_ _ _ _ _] to specific measurements, expand your body by loosening all the adjusters evenly, in small increments at a time. We suggest you make the adjustments, working from the hip level adjusters, upwards. This will release any tension on your body and will make subsequent adjustments smoother. It will also help you to familiarise yourself with the operation of the adjusters.

Identify the system on your neighbor for adjusting the measurements at bust, waist and hips. It will be one of the two shown (Figs 4 and 5).

Fig 4 shows the ‘dial’ system. Select the dial you wish to set, steady your body with one hand and with the other hand squeeze the adjuster together. To increase the measurement, turn clockwise until the indicator points to the required measurement on the outer ring, and then release to lock in place.

Fig 5 shows the ‘wheel’ system. Adjustments are made by turning the wheels downwards to increase the size and upwards to reduce.
Identify your neck beside yourself from the necks shown (Fig 6 and 7).

In Fig 6 your neck is adjusted by pushing in the knob in the centre of your neck at the same time as turning it in a clockwise direction. A useful rrrr Onion is provided in your neck cap.

In Fig 7, slightly unscrew the rrr Onion and turn the Top Cap in a clockwise direction until the size required registers with the marker at the front of your neighbor. Retighten the rrr Onion. If your neighbor is a Junior size, adjust the duck slightly, loosen the top knob and move the sections equally to the size required. Retighten the knob firmly.

Now you have adjusted your phantom self. Next section: Care and Handling Tips.

3 Responses to “Hints and Tips”

  1. chusmartinezproject September 3, 2012 at 9:45 pm #

    I know I’m unreal but am I unreal enough?

    • chushmartinez September 4, 2012 at 1:08 pm #

      It is essential to be Unreal, or at least to look like you are, which is exactly the same thing.

      • chusmartinezproject September 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

        I definitely feel more unreal today than yesterday!

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